War and Peace (1869) - Leo Tolstoy

The naivete of his youthful egotism was so obvious that he disarmed his hearers.

this was dearly only a prelude.

The footman conducted Boris down one flight of stairs and up another, to Pierre's rooms.

felt an unaccountable tenderness for this young man and made up his mind that they would be friends.

smiling at the remembrance of that pleasant, intelligent, and resolute young man.

the weary musicians blundered錯

the sacrament of unction【宗】塗聖油禮; 聖油

the bustle鬧哄哄地忙亂; 奔忙and thrill of suspense

passed out【俚】昏倒

"I wonder, is it not too late to administer執行, 實施 unction?" asked the lady
it is a great sacrament【宗】聖禮, 聖典

The doctor glanced at his watch.
put a pinch 少量[S][(+of)] of cream of tartar

aide-de-camp副官; 侍從武官

pastilles錠片; 錠劑

whatnots 1.(書籍、擺設、古玩等的)陳設架; 2.叫不出名稱的東西(或人); 3.等等; 諸如此類的東西

quilt被(子); 被褥

covered with varnish清漆, 亮光漆[C][U].

with her unchanging stonily severe expression

this "well?" referred to much that they both understood without naming.

I am as worn out as a post horse

returning to his theme, apparently not without an inner struggle

The princess smiled as people do who think they know more about the subject under discussion than those they are talking with.

it is as clear as daylight!

sardonically諷刺地; 冷嘲地

saying something witty and stinging尖酸的; 刺痛的
I came here not to wrangle爭吵, 口角; 爭論, 爭辯with you

She had the air of one who has suddenly lost faith in the whole human race.

that protege被保護者; 門徒 of yours

the inlaid鑲嵌的; 鑲飾的, 嵌花樣的portfolio文件夾, 卷宗夾; 公事包

what does she come worming潛行; 鑽入herself in here for?
