The Call of the Wild - Jack London

Trouble was brewing釀造, not alone for himself, but for every tide-water dog
Puget Sound普吉特海湾 (The Puget Sound region is an inland area of the Pacific Northwest in Washington (State),)
groping暗中摸in the Arctic darkness

Buck lived at a big house in the sun-kissed Santa Clara Valley (The Santa Clara Valley (also known as Silicon Valley) is a valley just south of the San Francisco Bay in Northern California in the United States.).

veranda陽臺; 遊廊; 走廊


artesian自流(水)的 well

plunge (dive, plummet, drop, fall)

"I'm not hankering嚮往; 渴望 to be the man that lays hands on you while he's
around," Pete announced conclusively, nodding his head toward Buck.

lying in a corner, head on paws

provocation挑釁; 挑撥; 激怒

he overhauled趕上, 追上 Thornton.

exploit功績, 功勳; 輝煌的成就; 英勇的行為[C]

salient顯著的; 突出的



Buck romped【口】輕易地取勝; 不費力地完成[(+through)] through his convalescence漸癒; 恢復期

But love that was feverish and burning, that was adoration, that was madness, it
had taken John Thornton to arouse.

Buck knew no greater joy than that rough embrace and the sound of
murmured oaths

His transient短暫的; 一時的; 瞬間的masters …

bespeak預定; 預約

valor英勇, 勇氣, 勇猛

he never forewent放棄 an advantage or drew back from a foe

there was no middle course. He must master or be mastered

mandate命令, 指令

peremptorily獨斷地; 橫蠻地; 斷然地; 決定性地

raft木排, 木筏; 筏子

"It's uncanny奇怪的; 怪異的; 可怕的," Pete said

And over this great demesne土地之所有; 領地


lived obscurely隱匿地; 不為人知地

Japanese pug哈巴狗

fox terriers【動】一種敏捷的小狗

Toots and Ysabel


imperiously專制地; 妄自尊大地; 傲慢地

a huge St. Bernard (聖伯納犬(英语:St. Bernard)原產於瑞士,是當今世界上的一種超大型犬, 以雪地救護而聞名於世。聖伯納犬是一種體型巨大,身軀強壯且頭型稍大的狗兒,牠的祖先原居住在海拔2500公尺高的阿爾卑斯高山上。聖伯納犬壽命大概8~10年,身高61~71公分,體重約50~91公斤左右,屬於大型犬。一般毛色以紅色、白色、棕色、黑色比較常見,身上毛色較雜有斑點。此類犬個性相當溫和,且溫馴。對於飼養牠的主人很聽話,不隨便攻擊人。可訓練為救難犬。)

Scotch shepherd dog

sated充分滿足了的; 饜足的, 過飽的


Manuel had one besetting不斷侵襲的; 不時纏擾的 sin. He loved to play Chinese lottery. (Keno is a lottery or bingo gambling game often played at modern casinos, and is also offered as a game in some state lotteries. A traditional live casino keno game uses a circular glass enclosure called a "bubble" containing 80 balls which determine the ball draw result. The word "keno" has French or Latin roots (Fr. quine five winning numbers, L. quini five each), but by all accounts the game originated in China.)
the wages of a gardener's helper do not lap over the needs of a wife and numerous progeny子女; 幼崽.

An unwonted【文】不同尋常的; 少有的 performance

He had merely intimated his displeasure

Never in all his life had he been so vilely treated, and never in all his life had he been so angry.

jolted使搖動; 使顛簸along in some kind of a conveyance運輸工具, 交通工具

lacerated撕裂, 割破 hand

nursing his wrath and wounded pride

keeping him pent up (感情等)被壓抑的, 被抑制的 in this narrow crate

unkempt未梳理的, 蓬亂的; 不整潔的
assailed攻擊, 襲擊with his teeth

railway depot【美】火車站; 公車站

retaliated報復; 回敬by teasing him


taunted辱罵; 嘲笑; 奚落him

flapped拍打; 拍擊their arms

his parched使乾渴 and swollen throat and tongue

gingerly極為謹慎地, 極為小心地; 輕手輕腳地 carried the crate

hatchet短柄小斧and a club 棍棒;球棒;(紙牌中的)梅花

snarl (狗等)吠, 嗥[(+at)]

he again hurled猛力投擲[(+at/upon)] himself at the man
"He's no slouch at dog-breakin'
SLOUCH【口】(常與否定詞連用)無能的人[C]: He is certainly no slouch in the kitchen. 他在廚房幹活挺麻利。


ruction【口】吵鬧; 吵架

revelation天啟, 神示[C][U]

the price of dogs had been boomed skyward by the unwonted demand

swarthy黑黝黝的; 黑皮膚的

primordial原始的; 最初的; 根本的

No lazy, sun-kissed life

Husky愛基斯摩犬 dog

antagonist敵手, 對手

Before he had recovered from the shock caused by the tragic passing
of Curly, he received another shock.

reproof責備; 指責; 申斥

they were as different as day and night

the incarnation典型, 化身(象徵某種品質、概念或思想等) of belligerent好戰的; 好鬥的fear

forego放棄disciplining him

cover his own discomfiture崩潰; 大敗; 挫敗

By evening Perrault secured弄到, 獲得; 替...弄到[(+for)][O1] another dog, an old husky, long and lean and gaunt憔悴的; 枯瘦的

prowess英勇; 無畏that commanded respect

bristled (毛髮等)直立, 倒豎his neck-hair and snarled (狗等)吠, 嗥[(+at)]

unmolested不受煩擾的, 不受干擾的; 平安無事的

Something wriggled蠕動; 扭動; 蜿蜒而行under his feet.

in a snug舒適地蜷伏; 偎依 ball

He whined (狗等)發哀鳴聲 placatingly撫慰; 和解; 懷柔

Dave was wheeler or sled dog

where there was swift water, there was no ice at all

suffered from perpetual hunger pangs

He swiftly lost the fastidiousness挑剔; 過分講究[U] which had characterized his old life.

a clever malingerer裝病以逃避責任(或工作)者

flee from the defence of a moral

the clamor吵鬧聲, 喧囂聲; 噪聲of his stomach

In short, the things he did were done because it was easier to do them than not to do them.

His development (or retrogression倒退; 逆行; 退化) was rapid.

he grew callous硬結的, 起老繭的to all ordinary pain.

instincts long dead became alive again

Primordial原始的; 最初的; 根本的

poise鎮定, 鎮靜; 自信

He was not prone to易于; 有...傾向的 rashness and precipitate突如其來的, 突然的action.

shunned躲開, 避開, 迴避 all offensive acts.

Lake Le Barge.


marauders掠奪者, 搶劫者

moose-hide moccasins (北美印第安人穿的)鹿皮軟鞋[P

Nothing daunted嚇倒him.

singed把...微微燒焦; 損傷by the flames


had knocked all blind pluck 勇氣, 意志[U] and rashness out of his desire

letting them fall back into gloomy unrest and uncontent. This was the
the shirks逃避義務(或責任等), 偷懶

when he was at last unearthed (從地下)發掘, 掘出

so shrewdly精明幹練地; 乖巧地 managed

mutiny (艦艇上官兵等的)反叛, 嘩變; 叛亂

unswerving不歪的, 不偏離的 in the administration of justice

There was continual bickering爭吵 and jangling (鈴等)發出不和諧刺耳聲.

Trouble was always afoot在進行中的; 活動著的
Santa Clara Valley

With the aurora borealis flaming coldly overhead…

plaint悲嘆; 訴苦
The week's rest had recuperated恢復; 挽回

Yukon well


whined not half so placatingly as in former days

a howling bedlam混亂; 喧鬧; 吵鬧的地方

Buck was too clever ever again to be caught red-handed

to precipitate使突然發生; 加速; 促使a fight amongst his mates


going back into the womb of Time

joint, and sinew【解】腱[C][U]

from Life's apex頂, 頂點

From Spitzbergen (Spitsbergen (formerly known as West Spitsbergen; Norwegian: Vest Spitsbergen or Vestspitsbergen)[1][2][3] is the largest and only permanently populated island of the Svalbard archipelago in Norway.) through the Arctic, and
across Canada and the Barrens


Buck was inexorable無法改變的; 不可阻擋的.


He took Buck by the scruff頸背 of the neck


loafing遊蕩, 閑逛

was punished roundly嚴厲地

a thing that Spitz had never succeeded in doing

snapping (指動物)猛咬的


the celerity迅速; 敏捷 with which Buck broke them in took away Francois's breath

deluged vt. 使泛濫; 淹沒; 蜂擁而至; 壓倒[H][(+with)]: We were deluged with inquiries. 詢問使我們應接不暇。

It was a monotonous life, operating with machine-like regularity. One day was
very like another.

Sometimes he thought of Judge Miller's big house in the sun-kissed Santa Clara Valley


whimpered啜泣, 抽噎; 嗚咽; (狗等)低吠

and, sick unto death, he could not bear that another dog should do his work


howling lugubriously假惺惺地, 悲哀地, 傷心地

With the last remnant of his strength …

how a dog could break its heart through being denied the work that killed it

feigned假的; 捏造的 a hurt leg

trail (荒野中踏成的)小道

Skaguay (Skagway, Alaska)
Colt's revolver

a belt that fairly bristled 密密覆蓋; 充滿[(+with)] with cartridges彈藥筒; 子彈; 炸藥包

This belt was the most salient顯著的; 突出的thing about him.

callowness不成熟; 缺乏經驗

manifestly顯然地, 明白地

out of place不在適當的位置; 不合適的, 不恰當的, 不相稱的 (inappropriate)

Buck heard the chaffering講價, 談生意

I wouldn't tote搬運; 背負; 攜帶 that tent along if I was you.

"Undreamed夢想不到的[(+of)] of!"

put the last odds and ends零星物品 on top the mountainous load

contraption【口】新發明物, 新玩意兒; 奇妙的機械


untold repugnance厭惡; 反感at sight of pain written in her pretty face

tuckered使疲倦; 使衰弱

blanked被冷落的, 被忽視的

formidable可怕的, 令人畏懼的

Outside dogs: short-haired pointers (能指出獵物位置的)獵犬, Newfoundland,
mongrels雜種狗; 雜種動物; 雜交植物of indeterminate breed.

had voracious狼吞虎嚥的; 貪婪的 appetites

cap it all, when Mercedes, with tears in her pretty eyes and a quaver

could not cajole勾引; 誘騙 him into giving the dogs still more

Arctic travel became to them a reality too harsh for their manhood and

Their irritability arose out of their misery, increased with it, doubled
upon it, outdistanced大大超過it.

had been chivalrously騎士地; 俠義地 treated all her days

essential sex-prerogative特權

importuned向...強求; 對...胡攪蠻纏 Heaven with a recital of their brutality

they were callous無感覺的; 麻木不仁的, 冷酷無情的 to the suffering of their animals

toothless old squaw (北美印第安的)女人, 妻子
galvanized (鐵)鍍過鋅的 iron

limp and draggled落後

They were perambulating漫步 skeletons.

Partridges鷓鴣and woodpeckers

wayfarers【文】旅人, (尤指)徒步旅行者[C]


So greatly had he suffered, and so far gone was he, that the blows did not hurt much.

evinced表明; 顯示出no intention of …

cut Buck's traces挽繩, 韁繩



Buck romped【口】輕易地取勝; 不費力地完成[(+through)] through his convalescence漸癒; 恢復期

But love that was feverish and burning, that was adoration, that was madness, it
had taken John Thornton to arouse.

Buck knew no greater joy than that rough embrace and the sound of
murmured oaths

His transient短暫的; 一時的; 瞬間的masters …

bespeak預定; 預約

valor英勇, 勇氣, 勇猛

he never forewent放棄 an advantage or drew back from a foe

there was no middle course. He must master or be mastered

mandate命令, 指令

peremptorily獨斷地; 橫蠻地; 斷然地; 決定性地

raft木排, 木筏; 筏子

barking softly or defiantly挑戰地; 大膽對抗地 , as the mood might dictate

Irresistible impulses seized him.

strutting高視闊步; 趾高氣揚地走 up and down

seeking for the mysterious something that called--called, waking or sleeping, at all times, for him to come.

his mane (馬、獅等的)鬃毛 bristling豎立的; 林立的

erect on haunches臀部

timber wolf大灰狼(產於北美)

advertised commingled摻和, 混合; 合併threatening and overture主動的表示, 提議of

menacing威脅的 truce停戰; 休戰

hedged圍住; 設障礙於 him in with friendly advances

pertinacity執拗; 頑固
bleak荒涼的; 無遮蔽的, 遭受風吹雨打的

imperiously專制地; 妄自尊大地; 傲慢地

prowess英勇; 無畏

as formidable可怕的, 令人畏懼的 a creature as any that roamed the wild

he was in full flower, at the high tide of his life

virility男子氣; 生殖力; 剛強; 活力

discharging its pent抑制的 magnetism at the contact

infinitesimal極微小的, 無限小的

take a ptarmigan【鳥】雷鳥 from its nest


beaver海狸, 河狸[C]

moose【動】麋; 北美麋[C]
