Don Quixote - by Miguel de Cervantes [Saavedra] Translated by John Ormsby

all day he travelled without anything remarkable happening to him, at which he was in despair


a castle with its four turrets 角塔and pinnacles小尖頂 of shining silver

they could not restrain their laughter

matters might have gone farther if at that moment the landlord had not come out

who were not used to hearing rhetoric of this sort

worse cooked stockfish, and a piece of bread as black and mouldy as his own armour

a reed, and putting one end in his mouth poured the wine into him through the other

Harassed by this reflection

roam through all the four quarters of the world seeking adventures


fall in with his humour

roaming in quest of adventures in various parts of the world

though not recorded in the histories, because in the
author's opinion there was no need to mention anything so obvious and
necessary as money and clean shirts


assail攻擊, 責罵 one who cannot defend himself

muleteers 趕騾的人

the peerless Dulcinea del Toboso

ambergris鯨糞 and civet麝猫香料

ye must pay for the blasphemy ye have uttered against beauty like that of my lady

so encumbered拖累 was he with lance

cowards and caitiffs


hearing the poor prostrate 倒在地上的man blustering咆哮 in this style

belabour毒打一頓, 責罵 our Don Quixote

he milled 毆打him like a measure of wheat

until he had vented the rest of his wrath


who had been cudgelled用棍棒打

thrashed (用鞭/棍)打


battered連續猛擊 in body as he was

he thought himself of having recourse (賴以得救的)辦法to his usual remedy

Baldwin and the Marquis of Mantua, when Carloto left him wounded on the mountain side

lauded 讚美and even believed by the old folk

not a whit點 truer than the miracles of Mahomet

he complained so dolefully悲哀地

uncle, so the only answer he made was to go on with his ballad, in which
he told the tale of his misfortune, and of the loves of the Emperor's son
and his wife all exactly as the ballad sings it.


He then contrived to 設法做到raise him from the ground

Moor Abindarraez (moor:非洲麼爾人/第八世紀侵略西班牙的回教徒)

Alcaide of Antequera, Rodrigo de Narvaez

the peasant went along cursing his fate that he had to listen to such a lot of nonsense

this harangue 高談闊論of Don Quixote's

that your worship 閣下is neither Baldwin nor Abindarraez

the Twelve Peers of France and even all the Nine Worthies

my achievements surpass all that they have done all together

these accursed books of chivalry

upset his reason

go all over the world in quest of adventures

my uncle's vagaries異想天開

put a stop to them before things had come to this pass困境

the licentiate未就任的有資格牧師



hack劈或砍的工具; 斧頭

greyhound灰狗(一種身體細長、善跑的獵犬) for coursing攜帶獵犬狩獵; 奔馳

olla (西班牙、中南美洲所用)土製水甕; 什錦菜

The age of this gentleman of ours was bordering on fifty

it will be enough not to stray a hair's breadth from the truth in the telling of it

"The four books of Amadis of Gaul." - this is the best of all the books of this kind that have been written

as something singular in its line, it ought to be pardoned

"the 'Sergas de Esplandian,' the lawful son of Amadis of Gaul."
