Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes (1605-1615)

with their heads crowned with garlands (作為勝利和榮譽的象徵)花環, 花冠of cypress【植】柏; 落羽杉; 白扁柏[C] and bitter oleander歐洲夾竹桃

both the dead shepherd and homicide殺人犯[C] shepherdess

in our popular Castilian古時卡斯提爾王國的; 卡斯提爾語; 純正西班牙語invariably call King Artus

that kingdom of Great Britain, that this king did not die, but was
changed by magic art into a raven, and that in process of time he is to
return to reign and recover his kingdom and sceptre; for which reason it
cannot be proved that from that time to this any Englishman ever killed a

with all the sweet and delectable令人愉快的, 使人高興的course of his achievements in love and war

and so I go through these solitudes and wilds seeking adventures

a person of great shrewdness精明, 機靈; 敏銳[U] and of a lively temperament

in order to beguile (使(時間)過得愉快; 輕鬆地消磨[(+with/by/away)] She beguiled her days with reading. 她以閱讀消磨時日。) the short journey

one of the most austere嚴厲的, 嚴峻的, 嚴格的professions in the world

even the Carthusian (十一世紀天主教提倡修冥想之)卡爾特教團monks is not so austere

we soldiers and knights carry into effect what they pray for,

instead of which they commend themselves to their ladies with as much devotion as if
these were their gods, a thing which seems to me to savour somewhat of heathenism

without any more ado麻煩, 費力at the top of their speed they come to the charge突然猛攻, 攻擊, 衝鋒(號)[C]

commend把...委託(給)[(+to)] themselves to their ladies

by holding on to the mane (馬、獅等的)鬃毛of his horse that he can help falling to the ground

to commend himself to God

he would be held no legitimate knight but a bastard假冒的; 劣的

stronghold堡壘, 要塞

the valiant Amadis阿瑪迪斯(英雄之象徵) of Gaul

a natural propensity (性格上的)傾向, 習性which he could not control

it is very manifest顯然的, 明白的, 清楚的that …

he prided himself on being a reticent謹慎的; 抑制的knight

At this Don Quixote heaved (費力地)發出(嘆息等) a deep sigh and said, "I…”

in answer to what has been so courteously asked of me

her beauty superhuman, since all the impossible and fanciful attributes of beauty which the poets apply to their ladies are verified in her; for her hairs are gold, her forehead Elysian【希神】極樂的; 快樂的fields, her eyebrows rainbows, her eyes suns, her cheeks roses, her lips coral, her teeth pearls, her neck alabaster, her bosom marble, her hands ivory, her fairness snow

can only extol【文】讚美; 頌揚, not compare

"We should like to know her lineage, race, and ancestry," said Vivaldo.
To which Don Quixote replied, "She…”

may furnish供應; 提供a source of gentle blood for the most illustrious輝煌的families of the ages that are to come


cypress【植】柏; 落羽杉; 白扁柏[C

bier (連架的)棺材 covered with a great variety of flowers and branches

with sharp pickaxes鶴嘴鋤; 尖鋤were digging a grave

eternal oblivion被遺忘, 淹沒

he served ingratitude


This stricken breast of mine deep notes of woe

listen, not to dulcet優美的; 悅耳的; 怡人的harmony, but to a discord wrung by mad despair out of this bosom's depths of bitterness, to ease my heart and plant a sting in thine

But rather clinging to a cureless woe,
All hope do I abjure發誓棄絕for evermore.

there is no hope of happiness for me in life or death

I am reduced by her disdain,

Thou whose injustice hath supplied the cause
That makes me quit the weary life I loathe,

this wounded bosom

I would not have thee expiate贖(罪); 補償in aught【古】任何事物, 任何一部分 the crime of having made my heart thy prey

all the monstrous progeny (人或動、植物)的後代, 後裔of hell

doleful令人傷心的; 悲傷的; 憂鬱的

have no fitter obsequies (複數)葬禮

The "Lay (供吟唱的)短敘事詩, 短抒情詩of Chrysostom" met with the approbation讚許of the listeners

voluntarily separated himself, to try if absence would act with him as it is wont

everything distresses and every fear haunts the banished開除, 趕走lover

so beautiful that her beauty exceeded its reputation

Those who had never till then beheld her gazed upon her in wonder and silence

instant Ambrosio saw her he addressed her, with manifest顯然的, 明白的, 清楚的indignation

cruel basilisk傳說中的怪蛇; 【動】蜥蜴of these mountains

to exult狂喜; 歡欣鼓舞over the cruel work of thy humours

embers (木柴的)餘火, 餘燼; (餘火未盡的)煤或炭塊...

I know that everything beautiful attracts love, but I cannot see how, by reason of being loved, that which is loved for its beauty is bound to love that which loves it

the viper【動】奎蛇; 毒蛇

it was rather his own obstinacy頑固, 固執; 頑強than my cruelty that killed him

to live in perpetual solitude

the earth alone should enjoy the fruits of my retirement and the spoils of my beauty

open avowal公開宣佈, 聲明; 告白, 承認

steer against the wind

sink in the depths of his infatuation ( 熱戀; 著迷[U][(+for/with)]
1. their infatuation with new cars 他們對於新汽車的熱衷
2. John's infatuation for her 約翰對她的一片癡心)

entice誘使; 慫恿

to whom I make no promise, upon whom I practice no deception, whom I neither entice nor receive

noxious有害的; 有毒的and evil

If Chrysostom's impatience and violent passion killed him, why should my modest behaviour and circumspection慎重; 謹慎be blamed?

an epitaph墓志銘, 碑文

things did not fall out with him as he expected

alforjas皮囊; 頰囊

witnessed the drubbing擊敗of Rocinante

betook致力於, 專心於; 使前往themselves to their stakes
admonition告誡; 警告; 勸告[U][C]

I can put up with any affront公開侮辱; 有意冒犯because I have a wife and
children to support and bring up

a mandate受命進行的工作, 命令, 指令

the wind of fortune, hitherto so adverse, should turn in our favour, filling the sails of our desires so that safely and without impediment妨礙, 阻礙; 障礙物[(+to)] we put into port in some one of those islands I have promised thee

make it well-nigh幾乎impossible

valour英勇, 勇氣, 勇猛to attack and defend himself

I am more fit for plasters安慰; 減輕than for arguments.

thrashing鞭打; 痛擊

squalls高聲喊叫; 號啕, 啼哭

the life of knights-errant is subject to容易遭受a thousand dangers and reverses挫折; 失敗; 倒霉

experienced divers【古】不同種類的misfortunes and miseries

holding him captive俘虜; 囚徒; 獵獲物

a certain recondite默默無聞的; 隱藏的author

pitfall陷阱; 圈套

they administered執行, 實施to him one of those things they call clysters【醫】灌腸劑; 灌腸法, of sand and snow-water, that well-nigh幾乎 finished him

succoured救濟, 援助in that sore extremity by a sage聖人, 賢人; 哲人, 德高望重的人
