Don Quixote

a knight-errant周遊的; 漂泊的; 遊歷的without love was like a tree without leaves or fruit

SALLY出發; 旅行, 遠足

did not care to put off any longer the execution of his design

by the thought of all the world was losing by his delay

grievances to redress賠償, 補償; 補救

prowess英勇; 無畏

to have himself dubbed (用劍拍肩)封...為爵士[O9] a knight

whiter than an ermine (在歐洲標誌法官職位或貴族身分的)貂皮長袍[C]

inexorable無法改變的 obduracy

cudgelled用棍棒打me with the trunk of an oak橡樹tree

to avenge myself

the innocent suffer for the guilty

in process of time …

better to remain at peace in your own house instead of roaming the world looking for better bread

The curate sometimes contradicted him, sometimes agreed with him.

to take alforjas皮囊; 頰囊with him


hack出租的馬; 騎用的馬; 老馬

the rays of the sun fell on them obliquely傾斜地

windmills--- the sails that turned by the wind make the millstone go

chicory【植】菊苣 water

Don Quixote did not care to break his fast

savoury【英】可口的; 味香的; 鹹味的recollections for nourishment

seams皺紋; 傷痕and scars

interminable沒完沒了的, 無止盡的; 冗長不堪的adventure

the curate副牧師; 助理牧師of his village (a learned man, and a graduate of Siguenza)

Palmerin of England

Amadis of Gaul.

Knight of Phoebus


valour英勇, 勇氣, 勇猛 Hercules when he strangled Antaeus the son of Terra in his arms

sonorous鏗鏘有力的, 語調誇張的

veracious誠實的; 真實的history

Don Quixote of La Mancha,

his armour being furbished磨光; 擦亮, his morion turned into a helmet

two friars of the order of St. Benedict, mounted on two dromedaries單峰駱駝


with all my might I must undo this wrong

on the subject of adventures thou knowest little


hidalgo西班牙貴族; 西班牙紳士


for adventures will present themselves from which I may make you, not only a governor, but something more

hauberk (中古時代之)鎖子甲

mauled毆打, 打傷; 抓破

the Holy Brotherhood

"where hast thou ever seen or heard that a knight-errant has been arraigned【律】傳訊; 提訊; 控告 before a court of justice, however many homicides he may have committed?"

It is a balsam (含有安息香酸或肉桂酸的)香脂[U][C]

neatly and with great nicety

ere the blood congeal

see me become sounder (健康的; 健全的healthy, wholesome, hearty, strong) than an apple

an ounce anywhere, and I want no more to pass the rest of my life in ease
and honour; but it remains to be told if it costs much to make it."

my ear pains me more than I could wish."

took out some lint絨布, 軟麻布and ointment from the alforjas

"Thou hast said well and hit the point," answered Don Quixote

they are very pernicious有害的, 有毒的; 惡性的, 致命的to salvation and prejudicial不利的; 有害的to the conscience

which will fit thee as a ring fits the finger

being on terra firma【拉】大地; 陸地, 穩固的地位

they are not victuals食品, 飲食fit for a valiant knight like your worship

the rest of the time they passed in dalliance閒混

rustic土氣的; 粗俗的 viands (常用複)食品; 食物such as those thou now offer me

let not that distress thee which pleases me

to put that knowledge into practice

the huts of some goatherds牧山羊人

the cup, which was made of horn

squires ((騎士的)扈從 When a boy first began his training to become a knight, his title was squire. 開始接受騎士訓練的男孩的頭銜是扈從。)

parched烘, 烤acorns橡子, 橡實[C]

mortar灰漿, 灰泥; 黏合物

the gold so coveted渴望得到的; 夢寐以求的

sturdy健壯的, 結實的; 健康的oaks

limpid清澈的; 透明的waters in noble abundance

The busy and sagacious睿智的; 有遠見的; 聰慧的; 【舊】嗅覺靈敏的bees

A protection against the inclemency天氣險惡; 氣候嚴酷of heaven alone

rend撕碎, 扯破

roamed from vale【文】(常用於地名)谷; 溪谷[C] to vale and hill to hill

without fear of insult from lawlessness or libertine放蕩者; 玩樂者

pestilence惡性傳染病, 瘟疫(尤指鼠疫) of gallantry

as time advanced and wickedness increased

to defend maidens, to protect widows and to succour救濟, 援助the orphans and the

this long harangue高談闊論, 熱烈的演說[C]

the golden ag

play on the rebeck (中世紀的)三弦樂器(小提琴的前身) to perfection

thy uncle the prebendary受俸祿之牧師; 【英】榮譽受祿牧師

he seated himself on the trunk of a felled oak

tuning his rebeck, presently began to sing to these words

her glittering trinkets小裝飾物; 廉價首飾, 無價值的瑣細雜物; 小玩意兒

and gathering some leaves of rosemary, of which there was
a great quantity there, he chewed them and mixed them with a little salt,
and applying them to the ear he secured them firmly with a bandage

They savour具有...味道(或氣味) of paganism

the village is all in commotion騷動, 喧鬧[U][C]

and don't suppose it is virtue or want (lack) of curiosity in me; it is that the splinter (裂片, 碎片; 刺 She got a splinter in her foot. 她腳上扎了一根刺。) that ran
into my foot the other day will not let me walk."



not troubling himself with trifles

sow pulse豆類植物[U] and not barley大麥[U]

appeared dressed as a shepherd with his crook (牧羊人或主教的)曲柄杖and sheepskin

made carols for Christmas Eve, and plays for Corpus Christi

he was left heir to a large amount of property in chattels家財; 【律】動產as well as in land

young man was left dissolute放蕩的; 放縱的owner

prebendary受俸祿之牧師; 【英】榮譽受祿牧師

Her uncle kept her in great seclusion and retirement

In these little villages everything is talked about and everything is carped揭瘡疤; 吹毛求疵 at
she had no desire to marry just yet

being so young she did not think herself fit to bear the burden of matrimony

when one least looked for it, lo and behold你瞧! (表示驚訝的感嘆詞)!

the demure裝作一本正經的; 佯作害羞的Marcela makes her appearance turned shepherdess

disparagement貶低; 輕蔑of her purity and modesty

her affability和藹可親and her beauty

bring them to the brink of despair

beeches【植】山毛櫸, 椈[C]

bemused困惑的; 發呆的 and bereft (失去...的(bereave的過去式與過去分詞)) of sense

without relief or respite使(痛苦等)緩解

noontide正午, 中午, (最高點; 全盛期 the noontide of one's prosperity 一個人的全盛時期)
who is to be the happy man that will succeed in taming a nature so formidable難以克服的, 難對付的and gaining possession of a beauty so supreme

well-established已為大家接受的; 信譽卓著的; 生了根的; 根深蒂固的truth

there is no fear of an untoward不幸的; 不祥的result

loquacity多話, 饒舌

a lover who had been discarded拋棄, 摒棄, 丟棄

a man who had been soundly重重地, 嚴厲地kicked
